CLOSED - ADENIUM OBESUM (DESERT ROSE) - last update 10/26/2019


  1. Stores water in caudex.
  2. It's a succulent
  3. Don't feed until 6 months after up-potting.
  4. Needs lots of sunlight.

Have some very, very old seeds from China that were stored w/o refrigeration.

This guy says to germ seeds in sand stored in shade. S/B germed in 7-10 days. He up-pots in sand/soil mixture after 3 months.

Put seeds in playground sand in white tub & full shade 4/28.

Even if these fail to germ (as I expect), I'd still like to give a go at growing them.

Great information here

"In very hot climates, Desert Rose is happy and prolific outdoors all year round. These plants love to be in the direct sun with temperatures of at least 70°F, but they can do very well in temperatures of up to 100° degree Fahrenheit."


None of these germed.
