MISSION FIG / BROWN TURKEY FIG - last update 10/25/2019

2 Brown Turkey/ Mission Fig Plants in 4 Inch Containers, Well Rooted and Sturdy!

Amazon'sChoicefor "dwarf fruit trees"

Price:$9.31 + $5.99 shipping
Note: Not eligible for Amazon Prime.

  • 2 Little Fig Trees to get that Fruit production going, or just one to share with a friend. These are nicely sized little guys, ready to get some roots in this fall, and then just explode with growth next spring!!
  • Please note: Our shipping occurs only one time for up to 5 items, so please check out all our plants and bulbs to make the most of your shipping dollar
  • Zone 7-10, but these make great container plants, so bring them into the sun room or next to a nice sunny window in the winter if you live in a colder climate!
  • CANNOT ship to California due to State Ag restrictions
  • Will produce 2 crops of figs a year (summer and yearly fall) when it reaches fruiting size.

They got in looking pretty good even though they were shipped in severe heat. Up-potted right away.




Current plan is to plant them out, keep them small, grow some rootstock from seed, and propagate more figs for sale by grafting to rootstock.






Got one of them planted in a spot east of the patio for shade.  Hopefully it will get a bit established before cold hits.  Plan on also planting the other one east of the patio in the spring.
